Windy City Toddler Coat

A classic style made in alternating rows of single and double crochet stitches, this toggle front cardigan features a shell stitch edging and an adorable granny square closure. Keep your little one warm on a chilly afternoon with this charming free crochet pattern for toddler sizes 2, 4 and 6.

All photos (c) Publishing.

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Skill Level: Easy

Size: Finished Chest Size 22 (25, 28)” to fit sizes 2 (4, 6)

Shown in Size 4

Gauge: 12 sts and 10 rows = 4” [10 cm] in stitch pattern


Yarn: Universal Yarn Uptown Worsted (affiliate link) (100% Acrylic; 203 yards [186 meters]/114 grams): # 323 Steel Gray (4 (4, 5) balls)

Hook: US size I/9 (5.50 mm)

Notions: Four 1” toggles, tapestry needle, removable stitch markers.


Shell: 5 dc in specified st


Ch-3 counts as 1 dc.



Ch 65 (73, 81).

Row 1 (RS): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 3, turn. (64 (72, 80) sc)

Row 2: Dc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.

Row 3: Sc in each of first 5 dc, *2 sc in next dc, sc in next dc; rep from * across until 5 sts rem, sc in each of last 5 dc, ch 3 turn. (91 (103, 115) dc)

Row 4: Dc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.

Row 5: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Rep Rows 4-5 for patt until piece meas 9.5 (10, 11)”, ending with a sc row.

Fasten off.


Align piece to work across the opposite side of the beginning foundation ch, join yarn with sl st in first st, ch 3.

Left Front

Row 1 (WS): Dc in next 11 (14, 18) sc, dc2tog, ch 1, turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (13 (16, 20) dc)

Row 2: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Row 3: Dc in each sc across until 2 sts rem, dc2tog, ch 1, turn. (12 (15, 19) dc)

Row 4: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Rows 5-6: Rep Rows 3-4. (11 (14, 18) dc) 

Sizes 2 (4) Only

Ch 1, turn after Row 6, then sk to Row 9.

Size 6 Only

Rows 7-8: Rep Rows 3-4, ch 1, turn after Row 8. (17 dc)

All Sizes

Row 9: Sl st in first 3 (4, 4) sc, ch 3, dc in each sc to end, ch 1, turn. (9 (11, 14) dc)

Row 10: Rep Row 4.

Row 11: Dc2tog, dc in each sc to end, ch 1, turn. (8 (10, 13 dc)

Rows 12-14 (14, 16): Rep Rows 10-11, 1 (1, 2) time(s), then Row 10 once more. (7 (9, 11) dc)

Fasten off.


Row 1 (WS): Sk 2 sc from end of Row 1 of Left Front, join yarn with sl st in next sc, ch 3, dc2tog, dc in each of next 27 (30, 35) dc, dc2tog, ch 1, turn leaving rem sts unworked. (30 (33, 38) dc)

Row 2: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Row 3: Dc2tog, dc in each sc across until 2 sts rem, dc2tog, ch 1, turn. (28 (31, 36) 29 (dc)

Row 4: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Rows 5-6: Rep Rows 3-4. (26 (29, 34) dc) 

Sizes 2 (4) Only

Ch 1, turn after Row 6, then sk to Row 9.

Size 6 Only

Rows 7-8: Rep Rows 3-4, ch 1, turn after Row 8. (32 dc)

Rows 9-14 (14, 16): Work even in patt as established (1 row dc, 1 row sc).

Fasten off.

Right Front

Row 1 (WS): Sk 2 sc after Row 1 of Back, join yarn with sl st in next sc, ch 3, dc2tog, dc in each sc to end, ch 1, turn. (13 (16, 20) dc)

Row 2: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Row 3: Dc2tog, dc in each sc across to end, ch 1, turn. (12 (15, 19) dc)

Row 4: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Rows 5-6: Rep Rows 3-4. (11 (14, 18) dc) 

Sizes 2 (4) Only 

Sk to Row 9.

Size 6 Only

Rows 7-8: Rep Rows 3-4. (17 dc)

Row 9: Dc across until 2 (3, 3) sts rem, leave rem sts unworked, ch 1, turn. (9 (11, 14) dc)

Row 10: Rep Row 4.

Row 11: Dc in each sc across until 2 sts rem, sc2tog, ch 1, turn. (8 (10, 13 dc)

Rows 12-14 (14, 16): Rep Rows 10-11, 1 (1, 2) time(s), then Row 10 once more. (7 (9, 11) dc)

Fasten off.


Row 1 (WS): With WS facing, work 34 (38, 44) sc evenly spaced around neck edge.

Row 2: Sc in each sc across, ch 3, turn.

Row 3: Dc in next 4 sc, *2 dc in next sc, dc in next sc; rep from * across until 5 sc rem, dc in each of last 5 sc, ch 1, turn. (46 (52, 61) dc)

Row 4: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Row 5: Dc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.

Row 6: Rep Row 4.

Row 7: Dc in next 4 sc, *2 dc in next sc, dc in next sc. Rep from * across until 5 (5, 6) sc remain, dc in each of last 5 (5, 6) sc, ch 1, turn. (64 (73, 86) dc)

Rows 8-16: Rep Rows 4-5, 4 times, then Row 4 once more.

Hood Decreases

Row 1: Dc in next 20 (23, 27) sc, dc2tog, mark that st, dc in next 18 (21, 28) sc, dc2tog, mark that st, dc in each sc to end, ch 1, turn. (62 (71, 84) dc)

Row 2: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Row 3: Dc in each dc across to marked st, dc2tog, mark that st, dc across to st before marked st, dc2tog, mark that st, dc in each dc to end, ch 1, turn. (60 (69, 82) dc)

Row 4: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Rows 5-26 (28, 30): Rep Rows 3-4. (16 (21, 30) sts)

Fasten off.

Sleeves (Make 2)

Ch 19 (21, 25).

Row 1 (RS): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 3, turn. (18 (20, 24) sc)

Row 2: Dc in first sc and in each sc across to last sc, 2 sc in last sc, ch 1, turn. (20 (22, 26) dc)

Row 3: Sc in each dc across, ch 3, turn.

Rep Rows 2-3 for patt until there are 30 (34, 40) sts.

Work even in patt as established (1 row sc, 1 row dc) until Sleeve meas 8.5 (9.5, 11)”, ending with a RS row.

Sleeve Cap

Row 1: Sl st in each of first 3 sc, ch 3, dc in each sc across until 2 sc rem, ch 1, turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (26 (30, 36) dc)

Row 2: Sc in each sc across, ch 3, turn.

Row 3: Dc2tog, dc in each sc across until 2 sc rem, dc2tog, ch 1, turn. (24 (28, 34) dc)

Row 4: Sc2tog twice, sc in each dc across until 4 dc rem, sc2tog twice, ch 3, turn. [20 (24, 30) sc]

Row 5: Rep Row 3. (18 (22, 28) dc)

Row 6: Rep Row 4. (14 (18, 24) sc) 

Sizes 2 (4) Only

Sk to Row 9.

Size 6 Only

Rows 7-8: Rep Rows 3-4. (18 sc)

All Sizes

Row 9: Sc2tog, sc in next 1 (2, 2) sc, hdc in next 2 (3, 3) sc, dc in next 4 sc, hdc in next 2 (3, 3) sc, sc in next 1 (2, 2) sc, sc3tog, ch 1, turn. (12 (16, 16) sts)

Row 10: Sc in each st across.

Fasten off.

Granny Square

Ch 4, join into ring with sl st in first ch.

Rnd 1: Ch 2, (2 dc, ch 2, [3 dc in ring, ch 2] 3 times) in ring, join rnd with sl st in top of beg-ch. (12 dc)

Rnd 2: Sl st in next 2 dc and in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, (2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in same ch-2 sp, ch 1, [(3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next ch-2 sp, ch 1] 3 times, join rnd with sl st in top of ch-3.

Fasten off.


Fold hood in half at top and sew first half of final row to second half of final row using a whip stitch.

Sew sleeve seams.

Insert one sleeve into each armhole and sew into place

Sew on Toggles and shown in photo, use Granny Square to close as shown in photo.



Rnd 1: With RS facing, work 18 (18, 24) sc around opposite edge of foundation ch, join rnd with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as rnd join, sk 2 sc, 5 dc in next dc, *sk 2 sc, sc in next sc, sk 2 sc, 5 dc in next sc; rep from * around, sk last 2 sts, join rnd with sl st in first sc.

Fasten off.


Rnd 1: With RS facing, join yarn at bottom right corner, work 1 rnd in sc up Right Front, all the way around Hood, down Left Front and along bottom hem to first sc, placing 3 sc in each corner so the work lays flat. Adjust as needed to make sure the number of sc in this rnd is a multiple of 6 sts.

Rnd 2: Rep Rnd 2 of Sleeve Edgings.

Fasten off.

Weave in all ends.


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