
79 hours until TNNA….

And about 100 hours of work left to do. If I don’t sleep…..

Anyway, I know I get the bad blogger of all time award but you would not believe the last few weeks if I told you. So I won’t go on and on (which might make me a really bad blogger – am I supposed to go on and on?) but here are the highlights –

Step dancing season is in full tilt for the next few weeks. Today, the kid got a very nice plaque – we are greatly pleased, as she is a champion now, so hardware is hard to come by. Two more events before the July break.

Getting Loopy! cracked the 2,000th download this week with room to spare. The show is only 6 weeks old. I am delighted (and writing really short sentences, apparently). Thank you! This week’s guest is Julie Armstrong Holetz, author of Uncommon Crochet. NO SHOW NEXT WEEK as I will be staggering home from TNNA that night. Back on schedule June16th, although I haven’t scheduled a guest yet so who knows what will happen? ITunes finally works – it was me, not them, that was brainless.

Kid’s dad is more or less back to work. Amen. I skipped over his several day hospital stay because it was icky. You may thank me later.

Speaking of icky, I start PT/OT for my thumb on Tuesday. The scar tissue has fused with the underlying whatever and needs to defuse. It sounds painful, so I am going to pretend it is not going to hurt until proved wrong.

Afghan parts are arriving on my doorstep – way cool. It will be a few more months before I can show you anything, but I think they are lovely and will be well worth the wait.

Hooked for Life, LLC , my new publishing endeavor, is making its debut.
There is only one pattern available for download at the moment (the 50/50 sock shown above), but more will be coming in the next week, and at TNNA your LYS can order printed versions. I am pretty excited by this endeavor, and hope you all will love what I am doing too. Those are the kid’s feet. She says please buy patterns with her photo on them (it’s nice to have an in-house model on call) because I have to put change in her bank whenever one sells. The dog will be in an upcoming pattern or two also, but she has not yet asked for a percentage. Thank God.

OK – going to try to finish crocheting a shawl, then stagger off to bed for a quick nap. Send your extra sleep this way!

1 thought on “79 hours until TNNA….”

  1. Hey, when you come to town for the Knit & Crochet show, are you free that Wed night? Would love to have you come join us at Guild if you are!

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