
A beary fun adventure

Sorry for the bad pun, sometimes I just have to succumb, you know? This is Boyd’s Bear Country, and amazing store near Gettysburg, PA. LL and I went there before Christmas to do a little last minute Christmas shopping, and I have to say it was a whole lot more fun than I thought it would be.The store was highly decorated for the holidays and I have never seen so many stuffed animals in my life – and that includes LL’s room! There was a museum display on the history of the company, a build you own bear area, restaurants, themed areas with all the bears and hares displayed, I could go on and on. While we were primarily shopping for others, and LL knew she was getting a big Christmas pressie so not much else under the tree, I didn’t think it was fair to drag her in there and tell her she couldn’t bring anything home, so I told her ahead of time that she could pick out an new animal friend. We looked and looked – found something for biggest big sister, a couple of cousins, and a nephew, and then we came upon this –
The bear nursery! All sorts of different bears were in the window of this area, styled to look like a hospital – the nice lady that waited on us was even wearing scrubs, which you can see in the background! Ll selected this little white sweetheart with green eyes, and named her Angelique.

Of course as soon as the new mama brought my grandbear home she said it needed some crocheted or knitted clothes, so I whipped out this little cap – pretty darned cute if I do say so myself. Custom fit of course, with little ear openings so as not to squish her pretty little head! Yarn is Bella Stripes by Universal Yarn. I wrapped it up and put it under the tree, so LL had something besides her Wii to open on 12/25.

I suspect some new bear accessories will be on my hook or needles soon – I had a really great time doing this, and you can’t beat bear-sized outfits for instant gratification.

My buddy DC came over today to help me get organzied. Thanks DC! And now I have to move on to the next thing on my list…

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