
Happy New Year!

Is is 2010 yet?

This is what I have been trying to finish for the last week or so – three new patterns from Hooked for Life – and three more that aren’t quite done yet.

In addition to the final edit on the new book – YAY!

And three afghans for a yarn company – YAY!!

And LL is home from school which is good but bad, because she thinks I should hang out with her rather than get any work done – BOO!!!

And why does TNNA always have to be right after the holidays? I crocheted through Christmas dinner and the Planet of the Apes marathon on New Year’s Eve (hey, don’t laugh, I love those movies!)

Seaside Jacket
Two Infant Car Seat Blankets

Isn’t Estival a great word? It means “summery”. I liked how it sounded with Astral, which is another one of my patterns. I may have to go hunting for -al words now.

LL got a sewing machine of her very own for Christmas and is sewing up a storm. She also got a Wii – and spent half the day 12/16 complaining that her shoulder hurt. She was not amused when I pointed out that 7 hours of Wii will do that to a girl…

Anyway – back to pattern writing and post-holiday clean-up, which never seems to end.

Happy New Year!

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