Terms of Use / Copyright

Copyright information:

Unless otherwise noted, all content on Hooked For Life is solely the property of the site and its owner (Mary Beth Temple). Please refrain from using any images or other content without prior written permission from the site owner.

Posting links from this site on Facebook, Pinterest, or other sites is permitted (encouraged, fabulous, thank you!!!), as long as you are posting a link to a page or post on this site, and not just an uploading an image or text (no cutting and pasting please).  For example, you’re more than welcome to “pin” a blog post, but may only use the images that are automatically populated when pinning that URL. You may neither substitute any other image, nor save an image from this site to your computer and then upload that image to Pinterest without prior permission.

Unless otherwise noted, all patterns written by Mary Beth Temple and/or published on this site, whether free or paid, are ©Hooked for Life, LLC and all rights are reserved. These patterns may be printed or reproduced for your own personal use only. You are welcome to sell items you make from these patterns, but you may not use the pattern photos, nor represent any affiliation with Mary Beth Temple or Hooked For Life.

Please refrain from distributing patterns in whole or in part (including the images used in the patterns) for any reason (including for teaching purposes) without prior written permission from Mary Beth Temple. If you would like to share a pattern with someone, please share only the link to the page or post, so they can visit the site and download their own copy.