
Two down….

Ten to go!

This is Wrap Star , formerly known as the Silly Putty Shrug. It had a name change in the interest of not violating anyone’s copyright. It is knitted, very stretchy, reversible, and one size fits many. I never say one size fits all – because I think that is not humanly possible…

Anyway I really like it and hope you will too. I wore it for my taping for the Knit and Crochet Today show on PBS so it will be seen on television sometime this fall!

In other news, I am still not sleeping, but boy am I productive! Or I could just be deluded because I am busy and sleep deprived at the same time. I am really hoping I won’t wake up on Friday, look at all the work I did this week and say “Damn that’s ugly!”

Speaking of a day late and a dollar short – Julie Armstrong Holetz was on Getting Loopy! last night, talking about crocheting with alternative materials (like leather and twine). It was very interesting – you should check out the archives if you haven’t already. A quick reminder – no show next Monday because I will be homeward bound from TNNA. We get back on schedule on June 16th with Dora Ohrenstein of Crochet Insider We are going to talk about vertical garment construction among other things, and I am sure I will have some good dirt to share after TNNA.

The Kid saysm 17 more days of school. Not that she’s counting or anything….

I have to go crochet a beret now….


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