
A is for…

Alpaca of course!

A bunch of bloggers are doing an “ABC along” in which a photo is posted to the blog every two weeks to correspond to a letter of the alphabet. I am always looking for more blog photos, so what the heck, I think I will play too! Alpaca was a no-brainer for the first photo considering the name of this blog. Can’t wait until we all get to x and z to see how we can make photos of xylophones and zebras fit into our blog topic of choice.

Happy New Year to one and all while I am thinking about it. I had no plans for New Year’s Eve, a holiday I rank right up there with Valentine’s Day as a holiday most likely to depress me. I had gotten some more IKEA bins to do some more stash organizing, I swear it breeds when I am not looking. The kid got invited to a party – how sad is it that a 9 year old has a better social life than I do? Anyway…

A good third of the way through my Guinevere wrap, although the farther along you get the more stitches you have in the row so I can see this getting real boring real soon. The yarn is a dream to work with though so I will persevere. The Oak Rib socks from Vintage Socks are coming right along, will get at least the first one done during this week’s round of sitting in doctor’s offices.

Kid home from yet another party – off for now…

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