
Almost, but not quite…

Back from TNNA and what a weekend it was! I don’t have a whole lot of photos, partly because I was frazzled and rushed for most of the weekend, partly because cameras are frowned upon on the show floor, but I did manage to snap a few.

On Thursday I drove to Lancaster PA to pick up Middle Sister, and then we both went out to Columbus. She did most of the driving because I was frantically trying to finish crocheting a model to hang in someone’s booth! It was Swirly Beret and yes I did get it finished – thanks for asking!

I had a class Friday morning with Sally Melville – she is a genius teacher and if you ever have a chance to take any of her classes, run don’t walk to sign up. This one was Learning to Love Intarsia, and by goodness now I do.

Friday afternoon I ran into Marly and Amanda from Lorna’s Laces, and Sharon of She-Knits fame, and we hung out for a brief and shining moment. Along came…

Marcy Smith, Getting Loopy podcast guest and editor of Interweave Crochet! She was carrying her pal WiMi who had to get into the photo.

I ran around the market floor placing my models where they belonged – I had pieces in Bryson, Unversal Yarn, PolarKnit, and Mango Moon – then ran to North Market for lunch and my first ever Jeni’s ice cream. Columbus regulars have been tweeting about the goodness that is Jeni’s for the last few weeks and I had to see what all the fuss was about. All I can say is yummmmmmm.

Friday night was teacher meet and greet – we were supposed to gather outside the fashion show and set up our classroom handouts, etc, at the spot where we saw our sign. I was happy to be sharing table space with teacher and designer extraordinaire Melissa Leapman, so I quick set up my things.

Apparently too quickly – another teacher came by and asked “Is that really the name of your company?” with a quizzical look on her face. “Yes” I said “Hooked for Life” People nearby started to giggle so I took a closer look at the sign…
Ah well – at least I will make money at the show one way or the other!

I fixed one side of it quickly with a black marker, but left the other side the way it was so I could flash it to my friends as they passed 🙂

Then there was the fashion show, which was the usual – a few amazingly good pieces, some average stuff, and a couple of howlers that made you scratch your head and lament the loss of perfectly good yarn.

And then the Keep the Fleece party! Which was fun but chaotic, at least at the beginning. Cosmos and a chocolate fountain for dinner!

Anyway, more TNNA posting later, for now I have to start plowing through my to-do list!

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