
Another busy weekend

It was Mom-mom Alpaca’s 87th birthday this weekend, and since she likes the beach best in the whole wild world (which is where I get it, I suppose) Little Loopy and I hauled butt down to Wildwood to take her out for dinner.There ferris wheel was still going strong even though it’s October. I love me some Wildwood boardwalk. LL and my sister AJ were not all that interested in riding rides, but I had to take a spin on the swings – my all time favorite ride. When I worked at HersheyPark two trillion years ago, I rode the swings almost every day. When you combine a swing ride with the boardwalk, you just can’t make me much happier, unless I could figure out how to knit or crochet at the same time.

Speaking of crochet –

Here we have the Universal Yarn version of All Tied Up. This is made in Fibra Natura Heaven, which is a merino/silk blend. It is lighter and smaller than the original, but still big enough to tie into a great big knot, which was the point. Now that the remakes are almost all finished I am finally getting going on some new stuff – pix as soon as I am able.

Oh, and LL would like you all to know she got a hard earned 10th place trophy on Saturday. The hardware blight has ended, amen 🙂 Seven weeks until regionals, three more local competitions on the meantime.

Back to work…

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