
Busy busy busy…

I know, busy is nothing new here. But speaking of new, here is Astral, my most recent pattern for Hooked for Life I had finished it some time ago, but fell prey to the awful never finish an item without completing the pattern jinx, and it took me a while to recreate what I had done. It doesn’t help that I am often too clever for my own good when it comes to construction – you may never have attached a bag bottom and sides the way I did here, so I had to explain it to you, but by Gosh there is hardly any sewing to do when you are finished.
Of course Little Loopy is modeling.

Other than that it’s the usual here – three more afghans to finish. It seems like I have been stuck on the number three for some time, but that’s because I am working on all three at the same time instead of sitting down like a normal person and finishing one, then moving on to the next. I blame it on my short attention span.

That and they are too darned big to drag to dance class with LL. She is back in training, so I am back to crocheting and knitting in the car park. Tonight I am going to relax with a chemo cap for Nichole’s drive and hope for a little instant gratification boost.

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