
Extreme Close Up Fever

As usual since I started designing so much, I am working on a great deal, but can’t really show you much of it because it violates some agreement somewhere! This is a close-up of a knitted project I have been working on. Yarn is Cotton Candy by Blue Ridge Yarn, and I looooooove it. Will show you the whole ball of wax (or is that cotton?) when I can.

And this is another version of my Field of Flowers pattern. This is in Universal Yarn’s Yummy and I really like it. It looks very different from the original, which was wildly colored because it was made of Noro Kureyon Sock, and a lot of people who have seen both models said they actually preferred this one because the stitch definition is better. So if you liked the pattern but not the color, this shows you how it looks made up in a more staid colorway. Both patterns are the same mind you, but the one has the Noro model and gauge info, and the other has the Yummy model and gauge info. Meaning if you have one, don’t buy the other one!

Getting ready for Stitch n Pitch this Thursday night at Shea stadium – should be great fun! And other than that have just been writing and designing and dragging Little Loopy around to her 12 million weekly dance classes!

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