
Fun and games at BEA

Book Expo America was at the Javits Center in NYC over the weekend, so I took a break from the knitting on Friday and went to look at books.

Lots and lots and lots of books! I had never been before and a lot of people I know in the publishing industry said it was smaller than last year, but I couldn’t believe all the publishers and printers and PR folks and authors who were there.

Two books in particular I was maybe looking for…

And there they were! In the Andrews McMeel booth, just where I was hoping they would be. I got to meet my publicist from AMP up close and personal for the first time, so that was a lot of fun. And I got some quality time with my agent, whose office is four hours away from mine, so that was good too.

I of course want to bask in the glow of Hooked for Life and DIY Afghans both being finished and just starting to make their way into the world – everyone I spoke to Friday wants to know what book I am doing next! I guess I have to do some pondering on that topic, but not until after I get back from TNNA.

2 thoughts on “Fun and games at BEA”

  1. Have just finished reading Hooked for Life. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Point of Information on being called a hooker: Hookers were women who worked in sweat shops, in the late 1800s, crocheting for very little money. As the wages were so poor, they "turned tricks" to supplement their income. Usually with the blessing of their (male)sweat shop owners. French women and nuns may have brought the art of "Irish Crochet" to us here in Ireland to alleviate the ravages of the famine, but men coralled them into sweat shops and paid them very little. I'm proud to reclaim the word "Hooker"in the original sense of the word!
    (Irish Hooker)

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