
Fuzzy Feet Tutorial, Part 2

More Fuzzy Feet Fotos…

A few photos of what it looks like as you are picking up the stitches along the heel flap, and just after you have picked up all the stitches along the heel flap.

The gusset decreases – look how the little buggers neatly line up on the diagonal. As mentioned in other posts, if you wing up with a lot more picked up stitches than the pattern called for, just keep decreasing until it comes out close to the number you started with.

Toe decreases, I put the stitches on two needles so I remember where to decrease, again, I just don’t like to have to remember to count. I tried a Kitchener photo but just got a bunch of blur, so you will have to go elsewhere for that. Try the graphic on my web site http://www.knitting.allinfoabout.com/features/grafting.html

The Sock Monster, which positively makes my feet look dainty and girlish.

Post felting – that is my plastic shopping bag encased foot so they could mold to my feet. AS I have said elsewhere, I think I took them out a wee bit too soon and they could have been a hair smaller, but so it goes. I am going to make this pair non-slip and give them to my mom for Christmas. Then I get to make more for me, and my daughter wants some too now!

Happy FF-ing,


3 thoughts on “Fuzzy Feet Tutorial, Part 2”

  1. MB, what a great tutorial! What yarn did you use? (Sorry if you said and I just missed it.) It has such a great sheen and the finished feet look so professional!

  2. I’m using Paton’s Classic Wool too (I’d know that label anywhere) and I’m glad to see that it comes out well. I just started mine tonight so I haven’t blogged on progress but… it’s been an adventure so far. Nice blog!

  3. Thanks Kristy, I love when people comment!

    Stephanie called it, Paton’s Classic Merino. I had 5 balls of it in the stash from a huge sale I went to last year, and this took less than a ball and a half. So one more pair in this color, then some new colors for the others on the list.

    Stephanie, it felted beautifully, but quickly, these were only in for about 10 minutes (although I do have long feet, you may need a longer time)

    Thanks for dropping by.

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