
Gifting away…

Here are the orange and red fuzzy feet after felting. The person who got them for her birthday LOVED them – she kept pulling them out of the bag to pet them while we were driving to lunch. Don’t you just love it when you give someone something and they just get it? They get that you put thought into it, that you made it, that it is special? I always hate when I buy someone a gift and it fizzles, but I really hate it when I make something and they don’t like it. I had a great time making these, but I had the best time watching her reaction – she was just so darn pleased that it made me happy too.

Of course, what would also make me happy right now was if I had a pair of fuzzy feet of my very own – but not yet. I went stash diving to see if there was anything fabulous, but there either wasn’t enough, or it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. I have plenty of maroon Paton’s Classic left – the same yarn as my first pair, but I like the way the red/orange ones felted more because they had mohair in them. I have no business buying any more wool this week, so we will see in another day or so if I give in and get some more Lamb’s Pride, or give up and use stash yarn – stay tuned!

This is a hat I had made and put in the Dulaan box, then got worried because it was cotton and I was afraid it wouldn’t be warm enough for deepest darkest Mongolia. I even put a fleece lining in the top for extra warmth. Well, when I heard about the collection for those who lost their homes in the tornado in Indiana, I figured it was problem solved. I pulled the hat, made a double moss stitch scarf out of the last of that yarn, and just put it in an envelope to be mailed. I think for Dulaan I will stick to wool in the future.

If you are interested in either Dulaan or a charity knitalong, there are buttons on my right sidebar. Thank for those who emailed me with instructions on how to put those up there properly.

Having finally made all of my November deadlines, I immediately broke into a dead panic that I didn’t have enough writing work lined up for the rest of the year! Can’t win, can ya – either feast or famine! Thankfully, I got in a query-writing mode and got some new ideas circulating, then one of my regular editors emailed me with another assignment, so I calmed down a bit. Also trying to catch up on all the administrative stuff that I put off when I am busy – filing, cleaning out photo files, etc. Not thrilling, but I will be happy with the results when I am finished.

Off to go back to work on the web site, I have two pages of the new gift guide up, but 3-4 more pages to go.

Happy knitting…

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