
Greetings from Chez Crazy Person

First off, a gift to you from NaturallyCaron.com – my newest knitted shawl pattern. It starts at the center of the upper edge and grows as you stitch, so you can adjust the length/width to your desired dimensions – or call it a mini-shawl if you run out of time before the holidays, run out of yarn, or simply get bored!

So I am doing my annual crazy person routine – deadlines, the holidays, trying to get new things out and ready for TNNA which has the nerve to be in early January every year. It’s like Christmas – I know it’s coming, I know I have a ton to do, but I never seem to get it all done in a timely fashion. Add in the new kits I am working on (photos soon) and all the every day stuff, and it’s crazy. Which I know I say a lot. But it is.

Anyway, I was out running errands the other day and came home to find my neighbor/buddy/fellow yarn addict plopped on my living room floor, playing with the dog. This is a good thing. I apologize for being rushed and am chatting with her as I fly through to the dining room, where the laptop was sitting, so I can check for an email I am waiting for.

Since she is sitting on the floor, she points and laughs at my mis-matched feet. Yes, I reply, I know my socks don’t match, but I am so crazed I haven’t had time to do laundry and at least they are both clean, which I thought was more important…blah blah blah on my part. She is still laughing. And pointing. So I look down and see that MY SHOES DON’T MATCH EITHER!

Seriously, I went out of the house and ran errands for two hours with two different shoes on AND DID NOT NOTICE! At least they were both black.


6 thoughts on “Greetings from Chez Crazy Person”

  1. Oh, Mary Beth – Your sense of humor gets you through the day, even during the most hectic times.

    Then I start thinking of all the ways it could have been worse…

  2. Well, at least I know I'm not the only one to do that now!! lol

    I wore one each of two different work boots to work, 11 1/2 hours worth, and didn't notice until half way thru when I needed to re-tie the laces. Ah, well!

  3. I think the shawl is great–you really do manage to keep designing winners, don't you?

    I just have a question, I was reading the Gauge called for and I was confused as to what it meant:
    In St st 19 sts and 23 rows = 4"/10 cm"

    I don't understand what a "St st" is, could you explain it better?

    Hey, shoes are shoes, right???
    (but I'm really laughing my butt off!–too, too funny!)

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