
Home again – for a minute or two…

Home from the midwest. Nice to sleep in my own bed again, but I wish it wasn’t so hot and humid – yeeeeewwwwww to the giant humidity. Kiddo and I are taking great amusement from the dog, who is following us around as if she thinks if she can keep her eyes on us, she can prevent us from disappearing again. She even jumped into the car this afternoon as we were unloading it, in case it had ideas about spiriting us away again. Boy is she going to be pissed off on Sunday when we leave for vacation!

The photo above is on the front of the art museum at Ball State University. I was working at BSU all of last week on a documentary film that covers some of the same info in my Driving the National Road in Indiana book. It was fun being an academic for a week, although I don’t know if I could do it full time. We got the first draft of the script finished, some of the shooting has already taken place, and with any luck the one hour film will be on PBS in early 2009.

Anyway – the inscription above is Gracious Living is the Finest Art. My new mantra 🙂

Getting Loopy! was fun last night – Jacqueline from SOAK came on and we talked quite a bit about how to properly care for your fine crocheted items. Do you think anyone would mind if I won my own contest? I have prize lust for the things that she will give away! No show next week – vacation is coming up and I can’t wait.

Off to hit the local craft store – I need to take some photos for one of my magazine articles and the lighting is not what they had hoped for. So I am going to make a quicky light box to shoot the smalls. Will share a photo with you next time if they work out.

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