
HOW many days until Christmas?

The washcloth pile is growing. I wish I had used the paler yellow for the daisies and the darker yellow for the black-eyed-susan, but oh well, done is good. Working on a solid red one now, aiming for a total of 9 by 12/15 so I can get them in the mail.
Final Knit Unto Others hat tally – 4. One of these hats goes into the Dulaan box, the other three will probably go off to the yarn shop in Vermont that was collecting. All three of the reddish ones were made with the Patons Divine in Floral Fantasy – one has a white companion yarn, one a pink, and one black. The pale one is pale pink Patons Divine with a blue/pink/violet variegated companion. My daughter wants that one, but I told her I could make her another one, I have plenty of both types of yarn left.

Almost finished the glittery, eyelashy scarf for biggest big sister. And the kid and I spent yesterday afternoon going crazy with plain wool and kool-aid, so I may have to make something out of that next.

Thankfully, today the check fairy delivered two of the 6 checks I am expecting before the end of the year, so I can get the holiday shopping finished this week. The joys of freelancing – unpredictable cash flow! Not that I am complaining mind you, a recent foray back into the 9-5 world for a few weeks reminded me just how lucky I am to be self employed! I am too ornery to play nice with idiots anymore.

Off to work on a scintillating piece on caulking….

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