
I know, I know, bad blogger!

So no posts in a while, I was in the black hole of post-manuscript-partum blues. I delivered the final draft of my book on Indiana on Monday, then proceeded to freak out that I wasn’t thrilled with it as soon as it left my hand. I do this every time, and should know by now that it is going to happen, but no, it is always a complete surprise!

So I took Tuesday off to relax – knitting and movies, sounds perfect right? NOT. I went to see Brokeback Mountain all by myself at the Tuesday bargain matinee. Don’t get me wrong, I love the film and thought it was brilliantly done, but I was so depressed when it was over I could barely drive home from the theater! Worked on the alpaca shawl at the kid’s dance lessons, and that was about it. The alpaca shawl is boring me to death, but it is so pretty, I feel like I should chug away on it. I should have picked something a little cheerier I suppose

Wednesday, worked on some article outlines but couldn’t shake the blues. Knitted away on the throw that ate NJ which is finally finished, but didn’t manage to get any pix of it done. Thursday I threw caution to the wind and went to two different yarn stores – ostensibly to look for a color of Lamb’s Pride Worsted for one of the KnittyHeads (which I never did find), but in my heart of hearts I knew it was therapeutic shopping.

I have a major jones for some Colinette Prism, but stopped short of plunking down $140 hard-earned dollars because I still can’t decide what pattern to do with it. I was looking at Lady Eleanor from Scarf Style, and a very pretty triangular wrap from Nancie M. Wiseman’s Knitted Shawls Stoles and Scarves, but couldn’t make up my mind. So I bought some goodies for my SP and the Wiseman book, and left without breaking the bank.

Then of course, off to the SnB at my other LYS – only to find out that they have decided to close! Good news is there will be yarn bargains, but the bad news of course is that this was my closest place for a good yarn fix, and my SnB of choice, so I was NOT happy to hear they are closing. I bought three colorways of Skacel Trampoline sock yarn (there are few sock yarns in the world I wouldn’t buy at 30% off!), and the spring IK, but I have my eye on some way cheap cottons – Fable, and 1824. Will ponder my pattern options and go back next week to make some purchases. I don’t always need a pattern when I buy yarn, but if I am going to do some major stash expansion I feel less guilty if I at least have a vague idea why I did it.

Anybody still reading? This is a long post for one that is photo-free.

Cinderella has been declared much healthier by the vet which is great, and the hubby is near to being crutch-free which is also great. I am supposed to go visit the relations tomorrow, but am hoping to get snowed in here so I don’t have to go – 6-8 inches predicted in my neck of the woods. I want to get snowed in with my new sock yarn and just avoid the world as long as possible.

Whipping out a pair of the DIY Ugg baby booties just for fun – I have a fashion editor friend who is about to have her first child so she will get these and appreciate them greatly. I had the sole and trim yarn leftover from a pair I made last year so I only had to get one ball of Suede, so they didn’t feel so extravagant this time. Last time I figured these were $27 baby booties even before you figured in my time!

Off to watch them light the Knitting Olympic torch – that is what it is for right, the Knitting Olympics? I am not a competing athlete this year but will cheer on my fellow nutjobs as they blister their index fingers. Pix soon, I promise!

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