

All Tied Up

This is the newest of my patterns from Hooked for Life, LLC. I have a slightly smaller version coming out soon, but being tall I like this one best.

I got the idea for it when a few of the Big Damn Knitters on Ravelry (knitters and crocheters who are fond of the Joss Whedon show Firefly) were talking about a shawl worn by the character of Saffron. Now that I go back and look at the original photo, this shawl is only a distant cousin of the one in the show, not exactly a twin, fraternal or indentical. And I didn’t reference the name of the show on the pattern because that seemed to by copyright infringement to me. But for those of you who are Firefly geeks like I am, you might notice a slight familial resemblance.

Knitted some baby socks last week, but the baby was only visiting for a short while so I had to tuck them in his bag before I got to take a photo of them. Bad blogger, bad bad bad. Not much else on the knitting and crochet front.

Irish dancing is sucking up LL’s life – and mine – at least until the regionals are over Thanksgiving weekend. She is having a good time though – me – not so much 🙂

Off to do Getting Loopy tonight – hopefully some fiber forward movement tomorrow.

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