
It has been a good week…

Looky looky what I got in the mail! A box of freeform-ready bits and pieces from the incredibly talented Kristine at Curious Creek. I have not yet succumbed to the lure of freeform crochet, despite hanging out with wonderful practitioners like Myra Wood, author of Creative Crochet Lace. But if this yarn doesn’t make me get out my hooks and noodle around, nothing will. Every last inch of it is wonderful – this photo does NOT do it justice. If you want assurance that it is all lovely, know that Little Loopy is trying to pilfer from the pile every chance she gets, and is quite miffed than this time I am keeping all of it for me!

I am also kind of over-excited about my Designing for Print Publication class, which I am teaching on Crochetville. We are in our last of three weeks, and the purpose of the class is to help each aspiring designer focus on one design and go through the submission process. Well not only have four of my twelve students already submitted their first design proposals, one has a sale already! Granted I know it is their talent and not my teaching that will get them where they want to go, but at least I get to feel like I helped push them out of the nest a little bit. And that’s a good feeling.

LL lived through the massive Language Arts paper that was due and the first mandatory chorus concert. Which is why we are off to Grandma Alpaca’s this weekend, where the family will spoil LL rotten and all she has to do to be considered wonderful is show up and be her charming self. I have to go pack all the yarn we need now… but you know that pile above is first into the suitcase.

1 thought on “It has been a good week…”

  1. Your DPP class is fantastic, MB. I’ve enjoyed everything. I’m always a few days behind since my work week runs Tue-Sat instead of Mon-Fri, and I work from 5pm-2am EST right now, but I’m still working on my goals!

    I apparently have an issue working only on one design, because I have two that I’ve just completed swatches for two. Now I just need to figure out if I’m sending them both to the same place or what.

    Anyway, just wanted to share in your excitement–WHEEEEE!

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