
Last of the TNNA photos

This was the final book signing at Unicorn books on Saturday afternoon – you can see the Goth Princess holding court at my right elbow.

I always panic that I will have a signing and no one will show up – that old what if you had a party and nobody came anxiety from the teenage years I suppose. Thankfully – we had a lot of folks come to the party…

Phew! And thanks to you all.

Saturday night I was able to catch up with some crochet buddies like Doris Chan, Ellen Gormley (who has some great news to share – go check it out), Vashti Braha and others.

Sunday was more of the same – a pattern signing at Universal Yarns, a few meetings with industry folks, followed by a wonderful dinner with the lovely Julia of Patternfish. Why yes, we did talk just as fast in person as we did on the podcast, why do you ask? 🙂

Monday was one last meeting, a frantic run through the market to look at all the new yarns I hadn’t had time to look at earlier in the weekend, a class on the Moebius cast on with the fabulous Cat Bordhi, and the mad dash as soon as the show was officially over to grab my floor models from Bryson, Mango Moon and PolarKnit. One last Jeni’s ice cream, and then the loooooong drive home.

The week since then has been a pile of sorting, catching up, working on new to-do lists, and falling asleep at inappropriate times. Just think, In January, we get to do it all over again!

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