

It’s possible that blogging TNNA will take more hours than the actual weekend covered, but oh well. I can but try.

The first signing on Saturday was at the Leisure Arts booth for DIY Afghans They had three of the samples there – Dashing Diagonals in Cascade 220, Flying Geese in Mission Falls 1824 Cotton, and Checkerboard in Plymouth Encore. They also had the lovely Debra helping me out by playing with the CDROM on her laptop while I signed books. Note the also lovely Damask on my shoulders – I am nothing if not a promotional machine while I am working 🙂

I was worried that no one would show up for the signing, but then some of my store owner friends showed me this –
A full page ad in the directory! Most of those friends (some with more love, some with less) pointed out that it might be time for a new head shot – the one I have been using since Secret Language of Knitters is a mite serious. In fact one store manager held the page in front of her face and said “I am Mary Beth and you will crochet the way I tell you to OR ELSE!!!!!” which was actually a lot more amusing in person than it might have seemed in print.

Speaking of signings… I have one in NYC at the Lion Brand Studio on July 9th at 6:00 PM. I will be reading, demonstrating stuff from the afghan book, and generally carrying on. Tickets are free but reservations need to be made ahead of time in the interest of not getting closed down by the fire marshall!

Poor LL has 4 more days of school – but the last big project is done and delivered, so amen. We both are waiting with bated breath for the days when we can turn off the alarm and sleep as late as we like!

More TNNA later – now I have to go get some editing and sketching done.

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