
My swap partner is psychic!

I was involved in a swap at the 9-5 Multi-tasking group on Ravelry. They are nice enough to let me in the group even though I don’t work in an office – they figure with all the crazy things that I do I am an expert at multi-tasking, and they are right!

Anyway, one of the themes of the swap was work related items, and since I lamented on my swap sheet that I was chronically disorganized, my fab buddy Nichole threw in some cool binder clips. How is that psychic?

Look at the colors of the binder clips… now look at the colors of the afghan I just finished for my Leisure Arts book. Creepy in a good way, no?

Now I know that she is home saying – “all the wonderful stuff I sent her and she is going on about the binder clips?? Nut bar!” and she does perhaps have a point. She also sent some lovely local yarns that I can’t wait to play with, and she made me a beautiful pendant that I will wear at the Guilds conference in a few weeks. And there were some other fun and fabulous goodies, many of which have already been stolen by the Kid, so you know they were great. But I have to say, I get a kick out of the binder clips. Now my labels for that project are color coded – it might be the only organized thing on my desk right now!

Off to the Midwest tomorrow – Kid and I are going to King’s Island on Sunday, then up to Muncie, IN so I can work a bit on the documentary I am writing, then to see our friends in Richmond, IN. On Saturday July 5th from 1 – 3 I will be doing a book signing and trunk show at UnWind – a cool new yarn shop that I can’t wait to visit. If you are in the neighborhood, stop on by.

Getting Loopy will run on schedule – I will tape the show from my hotel room in Muncie – God I love technology! Kim Werker was fabulous this week – next week I will be talking to Robyn Chachula about the joys of symbol crochet. Check us out!

2 thoughts on “My swap partner is psychic!”

  1. Welcome back to Indiana. I hope you have a lovely time. I’ll be traveling to North Manchester once again, sadly nowhere near Richmond.

  2. I am LOL at the fact the binder clips so impressed you….. ha ha ha! I’m glad you like them… and that IS too funny about the colors!

    Glad you love the package! 🙂

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