
New logo, new pattern, new FO…

This is the new logo for Getting Loopy – click on the photo to make it bigger – ain’t it cool? I am totally in love with it, and Amie from NexStitch.com who designed it. Next up, a new website to go with my graphic fabulousness. And already available, T-Shirts for you, your dog, and your Teddy Bear! Getting Loopy! on Cafe Press I got the Kid and I each a t-shirt to wear to New Hampshire, and two tote bags – one for me, and one to give away on the show. Can’t wait to see what they look like in real life.
Next up, my newest pattern, available at Hooked for Life , which is also soon to get a graphic remodeling. This is called the Swirly Beret, and is crocheted in one skein of Colinette Jitterbug. It fits head sizes 19″ – 23″, mods available to make the diameter of the top larger, although you would then need more yardage. The Kid is the model – she makes me pay her per pattern sold, gotta love her entrepreneurial spirit…
And then, a wee little FO I made for a friend of a friend. Don’t ask me what yarn since I already lost the ball bands, but I think it was Cascade and cotton. Don’t remember who the pattern was from either – I definitely suck at blogging today. But will post the deets if I find them while I am cleaning up this weekend. My stitching area is taking over the whole living room and needs to be beaten back with a stick. The sweater has little bees on the buttons, which I love. Amazing what you can find when you clean…

Another two pieces for the afghan book were shipped today, three more that are partially assembled are going on vacation with me starting tomorrow. Does anyone think Leisure Arts will mind if their samples have sand in them? I am guessing they will be so happy to get them since I am a little behind the 8-ball, deadline-wise, that they would just vacuum them and move on 🙂 I have two book chapters to write before Wednesday, but I should be able to crank them out by the pool. I just discovered the high contrast setting on my laptop and hope this means I can use Word outside.

Gone for a week, back for a day, then off to New Hampshire. Will try to post in between laundry loads next Monday. Off to pack…

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