
Now that I have the hang of the pictures

These are the way cool socks I mentioned earlier that I finished last week. It is the free toes-up pattern that I found on Elann.com. I did most of the work on the planes to and from Finland I had to take a few weeks ago – that is some LONG hours of flying! 5 flights over the course of a week on that trip, the sock needles made it through security each time, yet one over-excited Finnair flight attendant wigged out and made me put them away. Thankfully that was the shortest part of the trip, and there was less than an hour left of the flight at that point.

I still haven’t managed to make identical twins, only fraternal ones, but I still don’t happen to care all that much either – close enough for me!

The stash, post stash-busting and organizing. I bought about half of those boxes on a trip to IKEA and my friend (who knows about my obsessive yarn habits) kept telling me I didn’t have enough of them. Sadly, she was right, and I went back a second time to get more boxes. They are all pretty full, but not so stuffed that I can’t find anything. Of course, I keep thinking I have all of the yarn in the stash, then I keep finding more – it’s everywhere, it breeds! I originally wanted a more open system so I could peer at my heart’s content at the more interesting skeins, but we have a moth problem here, so I think this is better.

I also finished a sweet chunky hooded sweater in pink and yellow for my daughter last night. I had knit all of the pieces last winter, then procrastinated about finishing it. I found it when I was going through all the yarn bags. She wore it to school today, she LOVES when I make something for her. I have all of the materials put away for a purple fuzzy scarf and a black chenille skirt to give her for Christmas, thankfully she doesn’t read this blog so I can chat about it here.

I decided my fuzzy feet were still a wee bit too big now that they are completely dry, so this pair goes to Mom for Christmas, and the next pair are for me. My dear friend and neighbor, for whom I regularly knit Christmas presents saw them today and oohed and aaahed, so fuzzy feet go on her list now too.

I also found all of the materials for a very pretty Victorian style handbag that I forgot I had planned. I made it in red for said neighbor last year and she loved it. I enjoyed making it so much that when she gave me a yarn gift certificate for the LYS, I bought the same yarn in a black/gray colorway for myself. Then promptly forgot about it. I am feeling so virtuous about all the finishing I have been doing, that I think maybe I could start that soon, if only I remembered where I put the stupid pattern!

That’s it for knitting news here, work is finally calming down, although I still have a few projects kicking around that need finishing. Maybe all of this knitting finishing will rub off in a good way onto my business pursuits!


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