
Our Favorite Model Returns

Here we have the lovely and glamorous Barf Bear, who had such a great time modeling the kid’s Christmas pressies that I decided to bring her back before her head gets too big and she refuses to appear on this low-rent blog anymore. BB is stylin’ in a knitted shoulder poncho in three shades of Beroco Chinchilla, pattern courtesy of Yarn Over Ewe in scenic Lebanon, PA.
Can I just tell you I love this yarn? Very easy to work with, the resulting fabric is soft and cushy, and even after four appearances in 4th Grade it still looks great. All of the kids’ schoolmates of the female persuasion want one of these – I suspect I will be knitting a lot of these for birthday gifts this year, thankfully they don’t take very long. Hard to be a fiber snob when this rayon stuff is affordable and brings joy to the hearts of 9 year olds everywhere.

I also finished the Oak Rib Socks from the Vintage Socks book. They look oddly shaped in this photo, but they fit like a dream because of all of the ribbing. I have yet to master the art of taking photos of socks on my own feet, so you are just going to have to trust that these look and feel wonderful. Yarn was Calzeterria, bought for next to nothing at the Smiley’s Manhattan yarn sale. Next socks for me – Cherry Tree Hill or die trying. But the kid has her eye on some Kroy in the stash so she may have to get the next pair.

I also have some nice photos of the scarf I cast on for the Red Scarf Project, but Blogger keeps eating them, so maybe tomorrow! Thanks again to all of you who are supporting this cause, the sponsors are so amazed by the instant outpouring of commitment from the internet yarn community. I think they underestimated us….

4 thoughts on “Our Favorite Model Returns”

  1. Barf Bear? Do I want to know the story behind that name?

    Great socks! I’ll put your “J” up and anxiously await your “F” pair!

    sock-a-month-KAL mom

  2. Love the poncho. And I love rayon — loved it as a fabric long before I started knitting. Love it now in yarn. Chinchilla is great — I’m making a chemo cap with it.

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