
Peace and Quiet

Husband feeling a bit better and we are pretty close to getting his medication regulated, so all is a little quieter around here. Kid is off on a three hour play date, so I am catching up with little fiddly things like digital photos and getting a few more packages ready for the post office. And blogging of course – gotta get back all the readers who left in a fit of boredom during that week and a half I didn’t post. One of the many FOs that I have whipped out in the last week during my spasm of nervous knitting. There are for me, Jade Sapphire 6 ply cashmere, pattern from my web site http://www.knitting.allinfoabout.com/patterns/wristers.html . They work up in a flash and are so darn soft I just want to pet them all the time! I layered them over a nice pair of thin black leather gloves now that it is a bit too cold to just wear wristers, and they look great if I do say so myself. I made a pair in a pima/silk blend for the allergic sister, she got them for Christmas.

While we are on the subject of Christmas, all knitted gifts were well received. The washcloths were a big hit with my editors, I am getting effusive thank you notes which is great. My sister LOVED the ugly scarf (my mother said “It isn’t THAT bad”), and mother herself was quite taken with the warmth of her Fuzzy Feet.

These photos are the first results of my Wilton experimentation – I am quite taken with the way the color shades. I have 150 yards of this worsted weight, haven’t quite figured out what I will do with it yet.

It is like Christmas all over again here today – so many of the online yarn stores were having big markdowns for the end of the year that I went a little crazy. Today brought a niddy noddy, some Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn which looks fabulous, some other sock yarns, some heavily marked down colors of Lamb’s Pride worsted (kid wants a second pair of Fuzzy Feet, this time in purple), and a back issue of Wild Fibers magazine devoted to alpaca insights. Oh, and some circs – God I love half price sales!

Off to hide some of the new stash, and to work on the socks I just cast on – Lana Cervinia in a red variegated colorway in a pattern from Nancy Bush’s Vintage Socks, which I just love. Something to do during the next round of waiting in doctor’s offices that won’t get done too quickly.

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