
Phew! Home again, and to stay,…

… at least for a while. The camera is suffering from a personality disorder and I am still too fried to try to deal with it right now, so I will post, but sadly no pix.

First off I have an announcement to make. The artist formerly known as the Kid or Kiddo has decided she wants a different online name. She is now and forever after to be known as Little Loopy. If you had seen her helping me run the podcast on Thursday night when we did the live remote from the Guilds conference you would know why. I was a little shorthanded and she just took charge – helping new buddy Kim Kotary (go buy her book You Can Crochet Socks right now – it’s fab!) keep the show going under somewhat chaotic circumstances. We did 18 guest live on the air in 60 minutes, despite technical glitches, overhead loudspeaker noise, and general crazy. We also ran a live raffle which LL did pretty much on her own. She rocked the house with her mad organizational skills, which let’s be honest, she didn’t get from me! She also rocked the fashion show on Saturday night with her knitted faux denim shorts, complete with purple Berocco Suede pocket and five dangling pewter dragonflies. Pix as soon as I am able.

We took a side trip to visit our pals at A Knitter’s Garden in Chester New Hampshire. LL was taken by the sheep in the back yard and by how Joanne, the owner said the word “yarn”. Joanne is from Boston, you can fill in the rest. LL also was quite taken by the shawl KAL, and started on her very own. 6 rows down, bunches to go, but it is 5.5 more rows than I thought she would do, so I am impressed.

I taught a class (three times!) on book publishing for aspiring authors which I hope didn’t suck. I talked a lot of business which I hope will lead to some new projects I can show you all some day. I ate, I drank (although not enough), I shopped, and hung out with new friends and old (also not enough). And then we came home.

Home for a while now – dance season starts up for LL soon and I have to tackle all the work I put off by whining about traveling! I will try to blog more frequently now that I am home more – at the very least because I have run out of excuses about that too!

Oh – and go check out the brand new and fully functional Getting Loopy! site. Designed by the lovely and multi-talented Amie of Nexstitch it does more than I ever dreamed it could. We have Amazon links, we have show archives, we have a CafePress store, we have a little bloggity with comments enabled, it does everything bu produce the show! I totally love it, which I can say without sounding braggy because I had absolutely nothing to do with how completely fabulous it is.

5 thoughts on “Phew! Home again, and to stay,…”

  1. Kudos to you and LL! The show was fab as always and she looks fantastic in the beret! 🙂


  2. And still, I’ve seen no photos from the knit night up north… I’ve added the Crochet Socks book to my Amazon cart, as that’s on my list of things I want to try…

  3. Do you know that I OWN an LL crochet project sample presented to me by her fabulous self personally? It’s the second piece she ever completed and I will treasure it always.

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