
Pretty pretty picture

The day before the Chain Link conference in Buffalo, LL and I ditched and went up to see Niagara Falls. Neither of us had ever been before and we were both blown away by how beautiful it is.I snapped that photo from the Maid of the Mist tour boat – we got soaked, in a good way! The rest of the day included some shopping, some lunch at the Ontario Planet Hollywood (marred slightly perhaps by their complete lack of crocheted or knitted costume pieces :-), and some walking around seeing the sights. Fact that interested me the most? The fact that due to erosion and other natural forces, the Falls isn’t exactly where it was years ago – it moves.

Others have blogged about the Chain Link conference – I don’t have much to add other than I had a great time seeing old friends, and meeting some internet friends in real life.

Busy right now trying to get six new Hooked for Life patterns out by October 1st, helping some buddies edit their book, and sketching out the new booklet I just agreed to do for Leisure Arts. Back to school for LL next week – her supplies are all bought, her new clothes laid out. All I have to do is take her shoe shopping – we had the annual “LL wore flip flops all summer and we just now discovered that her feet grew a full size and nothing fits” tango. She needs at least one new pair of sneakers (preferably two – one for the gym locker) and some black flats to go with her nice new skirts. Later on some weather boots and the local uniform shoe of choice, Uggs! Then a winter coat…. sigh…. this growing thing is killing my budget!

Which is why I am off back to work.

1 thought on “Pretty pretty picture”

  1. My husband and I went to Niagara Falls a few years back and it is a most amazing sight! You are right about getting soaked too but it was so much fun and I'll never forget it. Glad Ontario Planet Hollywood is still there too.

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