
So it’s been a while

Greetings from Chez Health Issues.

I was ill for a while, went in the hospital for a few days, got better, got sick again, then LL got sick, then LL’s Dad, and then the dog.

It’s been an exciting couple of weeks! But everyone is all better now.

This is what I have been working on when I could –
So Inclined, a new knit pattern which will also be the basis of a knitting class I am now offering to a LYS near you!

Spike, a crochet pattern.

And this poor nameless sweater that I have been complaining about on Twitter for the last few days. They are never ending because I am in a hurry to get it done so I can mop up everything else I need to do before I leave for TNNA in two weeks. Lovely yarn though, yes? Brand new from Mango Moon, it’s called Bulu, and will be available at a store near you in the coming months. Love the way the colors blend, it’s a real semi-solid.

LL’s dance suspension is almost up – six months was a loooooong time. She goes back to competition on Sunday June 7th and we are all hoping for hardware after her long absence, so please hold a good thought in your head for her in the next week or two.

Been busy designing more stuff, writing more books, taping more podcasts, and avoiding cleaning the house. Mostly successful at that last one.

Anyway – an update so you know I am still here, and I will try to blog more faithfully in the coming weeks.

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