
Thank you!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who made a donation to SaveLorisHouse.com Due to your generosity over $7,500 was raised via the blog-a-thon, and combined with personal donations from many of the members of ASJA (the American Society of Journalists and Authors), and a grant from WEAF (the Writer’s Emergency Assistance Fund, a non-profit organization that helps writers in dire need), foreclosure was avoided for now.

I read a touching email from one of Lori’s close friends yesterday and Lori and everyone around her are overwhelmed with the response to her story. WalletPop on AOL has covered it, and if there are any other media mentions, I will post a link. The cavalry came in to save the day – thanks for saddling up. I can’t tell you how touched I am by the response from the readers of this blog.

OK – back to some knitting content soon, I promise. I am off to the Stitch N Pitch meeting to get ready for the Mets game on 9/25, and then to Tar-jay to buy a new memory card for the camera, and I pinkie swear I will get some fibery goodness up on this here blog soon.

A 32 pound box of yarn is sitting in my dining room. If I put a tablecloth on it do you think I could call it a sideboard?

Be well,
And thank you.
Mary Beth

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