

Well I for one am thankful to be home! Spent the weekend dragging the kid around to see most of my immediate family. It wasn’t like all of the individual parts weren’t fun, but it seemed like I tried to cram too much fun into one weekend. Of course she dragged herself through all of the weekend activities and then didn’t want to go to school this morning because she didn’t feel well, but with no fever, I packed her off. The nurse hasn’t called me yet to come get her so I assume she is managing – mean mommy!

On the knitting front, I did manage to get two more hats finished for the charity of my choice – haven’t decided where to send them yet as there are so many options, but they are very pretty and very finished – all good. I am on knitted washcloth number three (I think I have seven total to make by the middle of the month to send for Christmas gifts), and when there was too much family noise for me to concentrate on a knitting pattern, I got a little bit of spinning done with the drop spindle. And managed not to stab anyone with its lovely ebony shaft – yay me 🙂

In the course of the weekend madness, I dropped in on a new-to-me yarn store, Yarn Over Ewe in Lebanon, PA. Very nice place, and I bought some fluffy chenille yarn to make a skirt for the kid – she LOVES knitted or crocheted skirts. She was with me, so she picked out the colors – three shades of blue. The pattern was written by the store owner, and she gave me a copy with the yarn purchase, and I always appreciate free patterns! She had intended it to be a child’s poncho, but agreed that it worked as a skirt too.

I also came home to a very nice note from the state Project Linus chapter, letting me know that they had received my most recent blanket donation, and that it was going to a cancer center for their holiday drive. I love when they are able to tell me what group is going to get my blankets – I always feel good just sending a blanket off, but it just adds to the warm fuzzies getting that extra bit of info.

Two more days for Knit Unto Others (see button on my sidebar), I want to try and finish a scarf I have on the needles for Dulaan, and I have enough mohair for three more cloud hats, although I don’t expect to get all three done this week – I do have to work a little bit, even if I don’t feel like it!

Off to clean the office, which is sort of like work, then unload all the crud from my car and do the weekend’s laundry.

Happy back to the schedule for all of those who, like me, were sort of put off by the long weekend!

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