
The book, she is here!

Here she is – my newest wordy baby! Available at fine yarn or book stores near you starting on or about April 21st, 2009.

We at Chez Alpaca had a very busy weekend – my parents, sibs, LL, nieces, nephews and assorted grands gathered at my favorite place in the whole wide world, Cape May New Jersey, and had a loud, alcohol, carb, fat, and sugar fueled celebration of my parents’ 65th wedding anniversary. That is not a typo – they have been married for 65 years come the 15th of the month. Can you imagine?

And for those of you trying to do the math, yes I am their youngest 🙂

5 thoughts on “The book, she is here!”

  1. Congratulations! Can’t wait to pick up a copy : ). Cape May is one of my faveorites, too! I miss NJ…

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