
The promised pictures…

Well, at least some photos, have to save some for the next post so you guys keep coming back! First off, the Extravagant Fuzzy Feet – farm-raised mohair/wool with Lorna’s Laces Grace for the toes and heel. Let me say again, these make me happy just by putting them on, so in this case, expense be damned! There is a little more cuff opening than I would like (I had to alter the pattern to accomodate the light weight of the gray), so I plan to add some sort of closure as soon as I catch up with the holiday knitting, and I am still wearing them in the meantime. They are thick and soft and warm, and I am afraid to turn the heat up in this barn of a house so they are practical too! Note our lovely model, affectionately known as the Barf Bear because the kid’s auntie gave it to her after a bout of nasty projectile vomiting while on vacation! It comes out whenever she or I are not feeling up to par, and it very cuddly to sleep with.

I love, love this boa-like scarf. The yarn was a zillion dollars (anybody sensing a theme here?). I bought it on vacation last summer without looking carefully at the price, then almost had a heart attack, but now I am glad I had it. Thick, thick, thick fun fur (Plymouth Foxy), knit on size 17 needles in a three stitch I-cord, then fluffed out. I just love it, and the kid is going to freak out when she gets it on Christmas morning.

Barf Bear in all her fluffy glory – she may not want to give it up!

Doing the errand/laundry/cleaning/Christmas shopping thing today, back to the never ending washcloth pile tonight for knitting – still at 4 down one to go. And a very sparkly, eyelashy (all the things I hate to work with) scarf for the biggest big sister who didn’t want any warm fuzzy feet for Christmas, darn her. I took the Lamb’s Pride green I had gotten for those and returned it to the LYS the other night. When the owner asked what I wanted instead I blurted out “something ugly and sparkly” Love my sister, hate her taste. We settled on two skeins of Berocco Optik from the sale bin, with some carry along eyelash as if it wasn’t quite busy enough!

I don’t want to offend those who live for sparkles and glitter and eyelash, but I just happen to not be one of those types of people. Although you wouldn’t know it from all of the holiday knitting I am doing right now, would you? Anything to please the recipients! My first post-holiday knitting cast-on will be a cornflower blue alpaca/silk blend for Guinevere from the Wrap Style book. I can’t wait!

Happy days and thanks for visiting…

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