
Want to see my new collection of patterns?

There it is!

Or at least the first half of it. I remember the days when yarn arriving was a good thing, now it comes in boxes the size of kitchen appliances and makes me a nervous wreck! That’s a hell of a lot of crocheting and knitting that has to be done right there…

Overall though, this indie pattern publishing thing is making me happy. I had a successful weekend at TNNA selling to the LYS via Universal Yarn who acts as my distributor. I got some great feedback from store owners about what they wanted to see and improvements I could make on the clerical end of things. I have learned that I should focus my time on things I am good at (writing and designing) and let others do what they do best (selling and organizing). It only took me a few decades to figure this out, but better late than never I suppose.

On the non-indie publishing front, I saw the first draft of the cover for Hooked for Life last week. They are still tweaking it a bit, but it’s headed in a good direction. I also saw the first round of photos for DIY Afghans from Leisure Arts – also needs a few tweaks, but headed in a good direction. While the vast majority of my work on those two projects is finished, it will still be a bit of a relief when both manuscripts are off to the printer.

Snow day yesterday for LL, she spent the day sledding and making amigurumi – her newest addiction. Will show you some of her work tomorrow – right now I have to go run errands!

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